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Who are the dinosaurs?

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We live in an era when the world flourishes with wool and feeding their babies with mammals or animals. There's a lot smaller clothes in the horn than animals. But millions of years ago, everything was the opposite.
There were reptiles all over the planet. There were marine lizards and crocodiles in the water, floating lizards in the air, and vast, fancy reptiles on the ground, dinosaurs, which means terrible lizards in translation.
Slower on four laps, heavy dinosaurs, other terrible lizards moved to two rear legs. Small dinosaurs buried into the soil, climbing trees. There were very few mammals. This period in Earth's history is called the Mesosaic Era.
DiNosaurus are prestige or reptiles. The term " descending " comes from the particulars of animal movement. They're crawling on semi-encompassed paws, strapping to the ground, laughing. Dinosaurs (human lizards) belong to the archosar. Four archosaurus units are deployed: lizarrotaz dinosaurs, poultry dinosaurs, pterosaurs ( flying lizards) and crocodiles.
The most obvious difference between dinosaurs and other reptiles is the location of their limbs. They're just underneath the torso dinosaur, just like mammals. It is important to remember that dinosaurs are land animals.
The word "dinosaur" meant "male lizard" was introduced by the English zoologist Richard Owen in 1842.

Saurischia is a dinosaurs squad similar to pelvis. These include giant vegetation dinosaurs - burodors (and all of them) Predatory dinosaurs Therods and huge tyrannosaurs and tiny compagnies. The most common group in the three-axis and especially the jure periods of the mesozoo era.

Petacetic dinosaurs (Ornithischia) is a dinosaur unit with a pelvis similar to birds. Their thrives are in the meal period. All members of the squad are vegetated. The birds are treated with iguanodontides, dinosaur dinosaurs, stecosaurus, pancircular dinosaurs (anquilazavres), tholstolobes, pachycephalosaurus and horn dinosaurs (Ceratopas).

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