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Dynamours Flying Lizards

Летающие ящерыFlying lizards A lot of people think they're dinosaurs, but they're not. Flying lizards, or pterosaurs, belong to the archosauri sub class, like dinosaurs. A lot of scientists think flying lizards were warm-blooded. Flying lizards are often believed to be birds, but this is also wrong. Ancient animals have acquired a body form similar to the shape of the bird ' s body, as it is convenient to fly, but there are fundamental differences in the building of the bodies of flying lizards and birds that convince scientists that birds have come from other ancient animals. Pterosauruses were actually a lot like modern birds, but more like handwritten mammals.

What did flying lizards look like?

The wings of ancient lizards, like the wings of modern volatile mice, are a leather rematch. Like the wings, the flying lizards had three chain fingers. Researchers suggest that by using them, ancient animals could climb walls and trees, clinging for outposts. I wonder if the fourth finger at the pterosaves was extremely long. It was him who was “strung” to the wing.

The most prominent representatives of the flying lizards are sterectile and humorphine. The flying lizards were very different. Some of them did not exceed the size of the bruise, were nutrients. The others were incredible. No modern bird can compare to them. Pteranodon's wings have reached eight metres!

Why are the flying lizards out?

The paleontologists think the pterosaurs were quite good. The first birds had a much worse flight than their competitors, so scientists strongly doubted that the cause of extinction of flying lizards had been defeated in the competition for food. The pterosaurs were measured quite quickly, at the same time as dinosaurs. Researchers therefore believe that the cause of extinction of the archosausas was the same.

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