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Sounds Of Grassy Dinosaurs

The teeth of the triceratos were made from " composite materials "

U.S. scientists in experiments and simulations measured mechanical strength and resilience to triceratos' teeth. It turns out that the teeth of these grassy dinosaurs contained five different layers that were " detected " at different speeds. This has allowed animals to achieve the maximum elevation efficiency through dental designs and to adjust to a large variety of accessible foods. Publication Science Advances

The work examined the fragments of the triceratos teeth found in North America and dates of the upper meal period. Scientists measured the characteristic " geometrical " dental parameters, studied their design cuts, and carried out tribological studies to determine the resistance of different dental tissues to istration.

The results show that the triceratos teeth have a record number of tissues in the crown. While the teeth of the modern reptile contain two tissues, emal and orthodox, in the teeth of the triceratops, there were cement, toothodox and a number of others.

Construction of different dental tissues

Presentation: Gregory M. Erickson et al./ Science Advances

Triceratos skeleton and dental schema

The teeth of the triceratops, according to scientists, allowed the use of " stiff " forms to be used as efficiently as possible. For example, a unique combination of tissues allowed a spoon on the surface of the tooth that resembles the bruises or cages of cold weapons. Such an unusual feature, in the view of scientists, reduced friction and improved “quality” overcrowding.

The shape of the teeth of grassy animals should normally be such that the upper and lower teeth are carefully attached to each other. Such a design allows for a thorough burn of fibrous vegetable food. The teeth of predatory animals, on the other hand, are not well suited to each other, as they are tasked with keeping the victim and cutting meat.

The beaks of the reptile take the necessary shape as the wears are out. Since their material should be flexible enough, animal (e.g. crocodylams), they often have to change their teeth, up to 3,000 teeth in life.

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